Saturday 5 May 2012

New sand pit for the kids

My lovely husband made a sand pit for the kids today (I helped paint it ) It has turned out so well and the kids love it even tho it has no sand in it yet lol xx

Friday 20 April 2012

New Embroidery bag for me

     I have had this fabric for about a year waiting to make this wee bag for my self
                      I love the fabric on the inside it's tinny little pins it's so cute <3
                                 And room for my hoops xx

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Sunny Scotland !!!!!

It was so hot today .I had to work out in the garden was just chilling with my embroider with my feet up. I got my feet tattooed yesterday and they are a little sore.It did get a little hot and I had to go in.Me and the kid watch the Goonies and cuddled on the sofa xxx  

Ruby's Birthday cake

 Ruby's birthday was so fun and she loved her cake.She has a thing for unicorns!!

What I've been up to

Well it's all busy busy here and lot of orders. Ever weekend there has been some thing to keep me busy ,Birthday party's and sew seems to be the theme of ever weekend.but let me show you what I have been up to

Monday 13 February 2012

Aprons !!!

Got asked to do an apron for someone who got two for her kids at Christmas I think it turned out well and with in mini's of it going on I got an order for one more

Friday 3 February 2012

22 years later

Today is the day I met my husband 22 years ago.Just don't know what I would do with out him

Monday 30 January 2012

Catch up

Hiya every one it's been to long sine I have been on here.We had such a busy Christmas with all the craft fairs and getting The family thing done on time .I have had most of Jan of ( when a say of I mean on sew as such)But I am back in the sewing chair ready for this years challenged .My first challenge for this year is to get my craft stuff better organized .At the moment every thing is in box's and when I need to find some thing it all has to come out!!
But on another note here are the nice thing my lovely husband got my for my Birthday..